class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # 🔨 Tools for Integrating Data Science in the Introductory and Intermediate Statistics Classroom ##
🌈 Dr. Allison Theobold
🎲 Dr. Kelly Bodwin ### February 19, 2021 --- layout: true <div class="my-footer"> <span> <a href="" target="_blank"><b></b></a> - Dr. Allison Theobold & Dr. Kelly Bodwin </span> </div> --- .huge-text[you...] .large[ - know R - are familiar with R Markdown - are interested in integrating R into your course(s) ] --- class: middle, inverse .pull-left[ .huge-text[Tools] ] .pull-right[ .large[ 1. At-home Install 2. RStudio Cloud 3. Shiny Apps 4. learnr Tutorials] ] --- class:center, inverse .huge-text[At-home Installs] --- class: middle .pull-left[.bitlarger[Cautionary Tale 1:] ] .pull-right[ .large[ Old versions of Mac] ] * Most of what you want to teach will work with older versions of R... -- * ... but earlier than **R 3.4** is a problem. -- * **Solution**: Have students on old machines use RS Cloud. --- class: middle .pull-left[.bitlarger[Cautionary Tale 2:] ] .pull-right[ .large[ Installing on any Mac] ] <img src="images/maxresdefault.jpg" width="75%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: middle .pull-left[.bitlarger[Cautionary Tale 3:] ] .pull-right[ .large[ All the package headaches] ] <center> ![](images/binaries.png) --- class: middle .pull-left[.bitlarger[Cautionary Tale 3:] ] .pull-right[ .large[ Continued...] ] Do you want to install from sources the package which needs compilation? -- Do you want to install from **developer version** sources **as opposed to CRAN version** the package which needs compilation? -- <center> ![]( --- class: middle .pull-left[.bitlarger[Cautionary Tale 3:] ] .pull-right[ .large[ Continued...] ] ```r Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called 'here' ``` or ```r Error in library(here) : there is no package called 'here' ``` -- * This means that a dependency didn't auto-install like it should have. -- * Why? -- * No idea. Just install the package directly ```r install.packages("here") ``` --- class: middle .pull-left[.bitlarger[Cautionary Tale 3:] ] .pull-right[ .large[ Continued...] ] ```r Error: package or namespace load failed for 'tidyverse' in loadNamespace(j <- i[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[j]]): namespace 'tibble' 2.1.3 is already loaded, but >= 3.0.0 is required ``` -- This means you're trying to update a package that's in use! -- Clear out the **environment**, including "hidden objects" Close other R/RStudio windows. Try to install again. --- class: middle .pull-left[.bitlarger[Cautionary Tale 4:] ] .pull-right[ .large[ Gen Z doesn't understand folders] ] Things I have seen students do... -- * Download a dataset to a random folder, expect it to be read into R automatically. -- * Never **save** or **knit** their R Markdown file. Lose everything when something crashes. -- * Re-download the lab every time they want to work on it, open it from their downloads folder, copy paste code from a Google Doc. -- * Re-download R or RStudio every time they want to open it. --- class: middle .pull-left[.bitlarger[Cautionary Tale 5:] ] .pull-right[ .large[ Equality of assessment] ] * Using a Studio computer means students taking exams out of their comfort zone... -- * ... but troubleshooting individual laptops during an exam is impossible! -- * Not all students can afford the most powerful computer. -- * Not all students have a laptop computer they can bring to class. --- class:center, inverse .huge-text[ .rstudio-blue[RStudio Cloud] ] --- .pull-left[ .large[**Lots of Friction**] - Install R - Install RStudio - Install the following packages: - rmarkdown - tidyverse - ... - Load these packages - Install git - Install MiKteX ] -- .pull-right[ .large[**Less Friction**] - Go to - Log in ```r >hello R! ``` ] .footnote[ .small[ __*__ Çetinkaya-Rundel, Mine. "Teaching R online with RStudio Cloud." [RStudio Webinar]( ] ] --- class: center ## What is RStudio Cloud? .pull-left-narrow[ <img src="images/cloud.png" width="264" /> ] .pull-right-wide[ .large[We created [**RStudio Cloud**]( to make it easy for professionals, hobbyists, trainers, teachers, and students to do, share, teach, and learn data science using R.] ] --- background-image: url(images/rstudio-annotated.jpg) background-position: center background-repeat: no-repeat background-size: 800px class: middle --- background-image: url(images/cloud-annotated.jpg) background-position: center background-repeat: no-repeat background-size: 800px class: middle --- ## Workspaces <!-- - When you create an account on RStudio Cloud you get a workspace of your own --> <!-- - You can add a new workspace and control its permissions --> <!-- - Projects in either workspace can be public or private --> <img src="images/cloud-workspaces.jpg" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: center ## Projects .pull-left[ </br> A new project in RStudio Cloud <img src="images/cloud-project.jpg" width="120%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ </br> is a new project in RStudio IDE <img src="images/rstudio-project.jpg" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .alert[ **PSA:** If you use RStudio, use projects! Trust me, you won’t regret it. ] --- ## Sharing Options </br> - Option 1: Share a single project -- - Option 2: Invite users to a workspace (presumably with many projects) --- <center> .bitlarger[**Sharing a Single Project**] </center> </br> .pull-left[ ### Good! - Students land directly in a project upon login - Works well for workshops where all work will be completed in a single project - Also great for sharing code in general, e.g. collaboration, reprexes, etc. ] -- .pull-right[ ### Not so good... <img src="images/cloud-copy.png" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> - Students need to remember to make a copy of the project (which means you need to remember to remind them!) - You can't keep track which students started their assignment - You can't easily peek into student projects ] --- <center> .bitlarger[**Sharing a Workspace**] </center> </br> .pull-left[ ### Good! - Base projects with desired packages installed - Assignments -- no more "make a copy of the project before starting work" - Peek into students’ projects ] -- .pull-right[ ### Not so good... - Students land in the workspace, may need to provide instructions for the next steps - Git config for each project can get tedious and doesn't reflect realistic practice ] --- .large[ .hand[Q: How do I access RStudio Cloud?] ] .pull-left[ <img src="images/pricing-free.png" width="836" height="150%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> </br> <img src="images/pricing-organization.png" width="150%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ </br> </br> <img src="images/pricing-instructor.png" width="150%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class:center, inverse .huge-text[`Shiny` Apps] --- .pull-left[ .large[demo:] ] .pull-right[ .small[ </br> </br> </br>] ] <img src="images/app_example.png" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- .pull-left[ .large[**Good!**] * Students get experience with code without typing code * Gives them an easy "copy-paste" resource * No need to install or interact with R/RStudio ] -- .pull-right[ .large[**Not so good...**] * Apps need to be hosted somewhere * Many students using app at once = high computing demand * Hard to create (for now) ] --- class: center </br> </br> .pull-left[ .larger[Solutions:] ] .pull-right[ .larger[`shindig`] ] --- .center[ .larger[`shindig`] ] * R package to create your own exercises -- * Distribute exercises to students in package form * More info: --- ```r penguins %>% filter(bill_length_mm > 5) %>% ggplot(aes(x = {quant_var}, fill = {cat_var})) + geom_histogram() ``` ```r textInput("quant_var", "What quantitative variable?") textInput("cat_var", "What categorical variable?") ``` ```r decorate_shiny("plot1") %>% shindig("renderPlot") ``` ```r plotOutput("plot1") ``` --- class:center, inverse .huge-text[`learnr` Tutorials] --- ## 📦 learnr - **learnr** is an R package that makes it easy to create interactive tutorials from R Markdown documents. - Tutorials can include: - Narrative, figures, illustrations, and equations - Code exercises (R code chunks that users can edit and execute directly) - Multiple choice questions - Videos (YouTube, Vimeo) - Interactive Shiny components - learnr is on CRAN ```r install.packages("learnr") ``` --- background-image: url(images/learnr.png) background-position: center background-repeat: no-repeat background-size: 1000px class: middle --- .huge-text[demo] .large[ [**`[tutorial]`**]( [**`[code]`**]( ] --- class:center </br> .larger[Components of a `learnr` tutorial] --- ## YAML Start with a YAML, just like in R Markdown: ```r --- title: "Starting with Data" output: learnr::tutorial: progressive: true allow_skip: true runtime: shiny_prerendered --- ``` 1. Create a new RMarkdown file 2. Select from Template 3. Choose the Interactive Tutorial template from `learnr` 4. Start editing! --- ## Narrative - R Markdown style section and subsection headings with `##`, `###`, etc. - Text, figures, illustrations, and equations. - Videos: supported services include YouTube and Vimeo <img src="images/learnr-narrative.png" width="580" height="75%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Multiple choice questions ```r quiz( question("What position is the letter A in the english alphabet?", answer("8"), answer("14"), answer("1", correct = TRUE), answer("23"), incorrect = "See [here]( and try again.", allow_retry = TRUE ), question("Where are you right now? (select ALL that apply)", answer("Planet Earth", correct = TRUE), answer("Pluto"), answer("At a computing device", correct = TRUE), answer("In the Milky Way", correct = TRUE), incorrect = paste0("Incorrect. You're on Earth, ", "in the Milky Way, at a computer.") ) ) ``` --- ## Code exercises - rendered </br> </br> <img src="images/code-chunk-highlighted.jpg" width="120%" height="120%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Code exercises - code <img src="images/learnr-code.png" width="30%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Code exercises - solution <img src="images/learnr-solution.jpg" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- .large[ .hand[Q: How do I share with my students?] ] - Deploy on - (variety of pricing plans available) - RStudio Connect (free for academic use, requires setup) - Essential reading: - [Publishing learnr Tutorials on]( by Angela Li - [Teach R with learnr: a powerful tool for remote teaching]( by Allison Horst - See the [publishing instructions]( on the learnr website for step-by-step instructions --- class: middle, inverse .huge-text[Questions to Ponder] --- class: middle # What are my resources? * Does your university have server time for hosting `learnr`/`shindig` tutorials? -- * If not, does your university have funding sources to host these things elsewhere? (e.g. -- * Can you acquire funding for RStudio Cloud? Can you charge students to use it? -- * How much do **you** enjoy creating/teaching with R resources? --- class: middle # What are my learning objectives? * If **learning R** is one of them... ...students should probably have a native install! -- * If **understanding how statisticians use code** is one of them ... ... consider `shindig` tutorials, `learnr` tutorials with pre-supplied code, or RS Cloud. -- * If **software is not a learning objective**... ... consider using R as a back-end only, to make your own life easier. --- .large[.hand[Thank you!] ] .pull-left[Allison <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512" class="rfa" style="height:0.75em;fill:steelblue;position:relative;"><path d="M502.3 190.8c3.9-3.1 9.7-.2 9.7 4.7V400c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V195.6c0-5 5.7-7.8 9.7-4.7 22.4 17.4 52.1 39.5 154.1 113.6 21.1 15.4 56.7 47.8 92.2 47.6 35.7.3 72-32.8 92.3-47.6 102-74.1 131.6-96.3 154-113.7zM256 320c23.2.4 56.6-29.2 73.4-41.4 132.7-96.3 142.8-104.7 173.4-128.7 5.8-4.5 9.2-11.5 9.2-18.9v-19c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v19c0 7.4 3.4 14.3 9.2 18.9 30.6 23.9 40.7 32.4 173.4 128.7 16.8 12.2 50.2 41.8 73.4 41.4z"/></svg> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512" class="rfa" style="height:0.75em;fill:steelblue;position:relative;"><path d="M459.37 151.716c.325 4.548.325 9.097.325 13.645 0 138.72-105.583 298.558-298.558 298.558-59.452 0-114.68-17.219-161.137-47.106 8.447.974 16.568 1.299 25.34 1.299 49.055 0 94.213-16.568 130.274-44.832-46.132-.975-84.792-31.188-98.112-72.772 6.498.974 12.995 1.624 19.818 1.624 9.421 0 18.843-1.3 27.614-3.573-48.081-9.747-84.143-51.98-84.143-102.985v-1.299c13.969 7.797 30.214 12.67 47.431 13.319-28.264-18.843-46.781-51.005-46.781-87.391 0-19.492 5.197-37.36 14.294-52.954 51.655 63.675 129.3 105.258 216.365 109.807-1.624-7.797-2.599-15.918-2.599-24.04 0-57.828 46.782-104.934 104.934-104.934 30.213 0 57.502 12.67 76.67 33.137 23.715-4.548 46.456-13.32 66.599-25.34-7.798 24.366-24.366 44.833-46.132 57.827 21.117-2.273 41.584-8.122 60.426-16.243-14.292 20.791-32.161 39.308-52.628 54.253z"/></svg> @mtstatistics <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 496 512" class="rfa" style="height:0.75em;fill:steelblue;position:relative;"><path d="M165.9 397.4c0 2-2.3 3.6-5.2 3.6-3.3.3-5.6-1.3-5.6-3.6 0-2 2.3-3.6 5.2-3.6 3-.3 5.6 1.3 5.6 3.6zm-31.1-4.5c-.7 2 1.3 4.3 4.3 4.9 2.6 1 5.6 0 6.2-2s-1.3-4.3-4.3-5.2c-2.6-.7-5.5.3-6.2 2.3zm44.2-1.7c-2.9.7-4.9 2.6-4.6 4.9.3 2 2.9 3.3 5.9 2.6 2.9-.7 4.9-2.6 4.6-4.6-.3-1.9-3-3.2-5.9-2.9zM244.8 8C106.1 8 0 113.3 0 252c0 110.9 69.8 205.8 169.5 239.2 12.8 2.3 17.3-5.6 17.3-12.1 0-6.2-.3-40.4-.3-61.4 0 0-70 15-84.7-29.8 0 0-11.4-29.1-27.8-36.6 0 0-22.9-15.7 1.6-15.4 0 0 24.9 2 38.6 25.8 21.9 38.6 58.6 27.5 72.9 20.9 2.3-16 8.8-27.1 16-33.7-55.9-6.2-112.3-14.3-112.3-110.5 0-27.5 7.6-41.3 23.6-58.9-2.6-6.5-11.1-33.3 2.6-67.9 20.9-6.5 69 27 69 27 20-5.6 41.5-8.5 62.8-8.5s42.8 2.9 62.8 8.5c0 0 48.1-33.6 69-27 13.7 34.7 5.2 61.4 2.6 67.9 16 17.7 25.8 31.5 25.8 58.9 0 96.5-58.9 104.2-114.8 110.5 9.2 7.9 17 22.9 17 46.4 0 33.7-.3 75.4-.3 83.6 0 6.5 4.6 14.4 17.3 12.1C428.2 457.8 496 362.9 496 252 496 113.3 383.5 8 244.8 8zM97.2 352.9c-1.3 1-1 3.3.7 5.2 1.6 1.6 3.9 2.3 5.2 1 1.3-1 1-3.3-.7-5.2-1.6-1.6-3.9-2.3-5.2-1zm-10.8-8.1c-.7 1.3.3 2.9 2.3 3.9 1.6 1 3.6.7 4.3-.7.7-1.3-.3-2.9-2.3-3.9-2-.6-3.6-.3-4.3.7zm32.4 35.6c-1.6 1.3-1 4.3 1.3 6.2 2.3 2.3 5.2 2.6 6.5 1 1.3-1.3.7-4.3-1.3-6.2-2.2-2.3-5.2-2.6-6.5-1zm-11.4-14.7c-1.6 1-1.6 3.6 0 5.9 1.6 2.3 4.3 3.3 5.6 2.3 1.6-1.3 1.6-3.9 0-6.2-1.4-2.3-4-3.3-5.6-2z"/></svg> @atheobold ] .pull-right[Kelly <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512" class="rfa" style="height:0.75em;fill:steelblue;position:relative;"><path d="M502.3 190.8c3.9-3.1 9.7-.2 9.7 4.7V400c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V195.6c0-5 5.7-7.8 9.7-4.7 22.4 17.4 52.1 39.5 154.1 113.6 21.1 15.4 56.7 47.8 92.2 47.6 35.7.3 72-32.8 92.3-47.6 102-74.1 131.6-96.3 154-113.7zM256 320c23.2.4 56.6-29.2 73.4-41.4 132.7-96.3 142.8-104.7 173.4-128.7 5.8-4.5 9.2-11.5 9.2-18.9v-19c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v19c0 7.4 3.4 14.3 9.2 18.9 30.6 23.9 40.7 32.4 173.4 128.7 16.8 12.2 50.2 41.8 73.4 41.4z"/></svg> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512" class="rfa" style="height:0.75em;fill:steelblue;position:relative;"><path d="M459.37 151.716c.325 4.548.325 9.097.325 13.645 0 138.72-105.583 298.558-298.558 298.558-59.452 0-114.68-17.219-161.137-47.106 8.447.974 16.568 1.299 25.34 1.299 49.055 0 94.213-16.568 130.274-44.832-46.132-.975-84.792-31.188-98.112-72.772 6.498.974 12.995 1.624 19.818 1.624 9.421 0 18.843-1.3 27.614-3.573-48.081-9.747-84.143-51.98-84.143-102.985v-1.299c13.969 7.797 30.214 12.67 47.431 13.319-28.264-18.843-46.781-51.005-46.781-87.391 0-19.492 5.197-37.36 14.294-52.954 51.655 63.675 129.3 105.258 216.365 109.807-1.624-7.797-2.599-15.918-2.599-24.04 0-57.828 46.782-104.934 104.934-104.934 30.213 0 57.502 12.67 76.67 33.137 23.715-4.548 46.456-13.32 66.599-25.34-7.798 24.366-24.366 44.833-46.132 57.827 21.117-2.273 41.584-8.122 60.426-16.243-14.292 20.791-32.161 39.308-52.628 54.253z"/></svg> @kellybodwin <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 496 512" class="rfa" style="height:0.75em;fill:steelblue;position:relative;"><path d="M165.9 397.4c0 2-2.3 3.6-5.2 3.6-3.3.3-5.6-1.3-5.6-3.6 0-2 2.3-3.6 5.2-3.6 3-.3 5.6 1.3 5.6 3.6zm-31.1-4.5c-.7 2 1.3 4.3 4.3 4.9 2.6 1 5.6 0 6.2-2s-1.3-4.3-4.3-5.2c-2.6-.7-5.5.3-6.2 2.3zm44.2-1.7c-2.9.7-4.9 2.6-4.6 4.9.3 2 2.9 3.3 5.9 2.6 2.9-.7 4.9-2.6 4.6-4.6-.3-1.9-3-3.2-5.9-2.9zM244.8 8C106.1 8 0 113.3 0 252c0 110.9 69.8 205.8 169.5 239.2 12.8 2.3 17.3-5.6 17.3-12.1 0-6.2-.3-40.4-.3-61.4 0 0-70 15-84.7-29.8 0 0-11.4-29.1-27.8-36.6 0 0-22.9-15.7 1.6-15.4 0 0 24.9 2 38.6 25.8 21.9 38.6 58.6 27.5 72.9 20.9 2.3-16 8.8-27.1 16-33.7-55.9-6.2-112.3-14.3-112.3-110.5 0-27.5 7.6-41.3 23.6-58.9-2.6-6.5-11.1-33.3 2.6-67.9 20.9-6.5 69 27 69 27 20-5.6 41.5-8.5 62.8-8.5s42.8 2.9 62.8 8.5c0 0 48.1-33.6 69-27 13.7 34.7 5.2 61.4 2.6 67.9 16 17.7 25.8 31.5 25.8 58.9 0 96.5-58.9 104.2-114.8 110.5 9.2 7.9 17 22.9 17 46.4 0 33.7-.3 75.4-.3 83.6 0 6.5 4.6 14.4 17.3 12.1C428.2 457.8 496 362.9 496 252 496 113.3 383.5 8 244.8 8zM97.2 352.9c-1.3 1-1 3.3.7 5.2 1.6 1.6 3.9 2.3 5.2 1 1.3-1 1-3.3-.7-5.2-1.6-1.6-3.9-2.3-5.2-1zm-10.8-8.1c-.7 1.3.3 2.9 2.3 3.9 1.6 1 3.6.7 4.3-.7.7-1.3-.3-2.9-2.3-3.9-2-.6-3.6-.3-4.3.7zm32.4 35.6c-1.6 1.3-1 4.3 1.3 6.2 2.3 2.3 5.2 2.6 6.5 1 1.3-1.3.7-4.3-1.3-6.2-2.2-2.3-5.2-2.6-6.5-1zm-11.4-14.7c-1.6 1-1.6 3.6 0 5.9 1.6 2.3 4.3 3.3 5.6 2.3 1.6-1.3 1.6-3.9 0-6.2-1.4-2.3-4-3.3-5.6-2z"/></svg> @kbodwin ]